It’s hard to imagine a blossom as elegant and noble as a lily flower. Back in the times immemorial that fragrant little coquette started attracting a great deal of attention.
She progressed quickly from a humble flower into one of the most famous regal symbols in Europe. In France white lilies represented the Bourbon dynasty. In Britain miniature copies of the flower adorned crowns of little princes who would later become kings.
And once you decide to visit the city of Florence you may risk to get a little dizzy from the whirl of red lilies – it’s the official sign of that grandiose Italian city.
Free machine embroidery design Fleur de Lis will bring into your house interior a gentle aristocratic tinge. That pattern is a bit pompous but at the same time it’s laconic and elegant. A lily flower as a true highborn doesn’t stand a poor taste!
You may adorn with the golden lilies your couch cushions or furniture covers. Especially if they are made of a soft, dark-colored fabric (velvet or corduroy will do fine). Such a decor could be additionally embellished with other royal symbols: tiny crowns, lion & unicorn silhouettes, stars crescents and so on.
Free Machine Embroidery Design Fleur de lis
Size: 54.2×80.0 mm (2.13×3.15 “), Stitches: 8094
Formats: .dst, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, dat, jef, .vp3, art
Actually you can create the whole artistic entourage in your house, solely dedicated to fleur-de-lis. Just imagine your living room flooded with soft golden light. And also a mirror ceiling that adds an extra dimension to the room space. How about a reproduction of one of the Botticelli’s paintings? And of course the gorgeous curtains embroidered with the lily flowers. Such a baroque interior will bring into your home an airy and festive atmosphere. And the free machine embroidery design Fleur de Lis will be its leitmotif.
But besides all that aristocratic brilliance a lily flower has another clandestine interpretation. This is a blossom of purity. It’s an emblem of a noble spirit and a kind heart. It’s no coincidence that Madonna is often pictured on Renaissance paintings with tender lilies in her hands. Three petals of the flower symbolize the unity of mind, body and soul.
Free machine embroidery design Fleur de Lis will make a fine and logical complement to your image. This pattern may provide some nice extra-beautification to your gloves, mittens, a handbag or a scarf. And of course it will serve as a reminder that you’re not an alien to princely behavior.
So make yourself a truly Royal Present!
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 19.06.2015