Machine Embroidery Design Blackberry round wreath

Embroidery has a centuries-old history. At all times women have sought to decorate their homes and clothes with beautiful patterns of colored threads. Often the work required a lot of time until it was implemented on a fabric. Today, when interest in embroidery has revived, any design you like can be obtained within a few hours.

If you like the Machine Embroidery Design Blackberry round wreath, you can present it even the same day. Having an embroidery machine you just place the order on the website. You instantly get the format you need with the execution instruction. A bright blueberry wreath in a floral frame and bright foliage will appear on any fabric as soon as you download the program.

First of all, a Machine Embroidery Design Blackberry round wreath with a letter B is interesting to people whose name or surname begins with this letter. But, if you like bright colors of blueberries and the beautiful form of wreath, then the monogram can be attributed to the name BLUEBERRY. After all, as is known since ancient times, the berries of this plant were considered a curative source and an antioxidant. Woven into a wreath, which in turn is a symbol, too, this berry brings health and love to the house.

Machine Embroidery Design Blackberry round wreath


Size: 197.6×199.6 mm (7.78×7.86 “), Stitches: 36528
Size: 129.8×131.2 mm (5.11×5.17 “), Stitches: 27027

Formats: pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, .jef, xxx

Moreover, wreaths with various interlacing and symbols, become an indispensable attribute of a nice home. Their round finished form has always been the symbol of the Earth and its eternal power giving life. People believe, that a wreath should be in every home when they want their procreation, their prosperity and wealth. In many nations, the wreath is a symbol of femininity and fidelity.

It should be noted that the color scheme of the composition is bright, but soothing. It is dominated by shades of blue and green, which are the colors of the sky and greenery. Small inclusions of yellow and silvery make the drawing even more sunny. If you wish,you can slightly change the color scheme.

A convenient form of design can be used on napkins, curtains, tablecloths, some ritual objects, festive compositions. For those who are directly related to the monogram B, the range of application is even wider. Two optional sizes of the composition will help you place the design in the right place more accurately.

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Author: Ludmila Konovalova

My name is Ludmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.

Date: 15.12.2016