Vintage style is now very popular. It is used in many areas of our life (interior, clothing, accessories) and embroidery is no exception.
Embroidery in vintage style is a sign of luxury, excellent taste and exquisite splendor. It is able to give nobility to any embroidered element. Royal Present offers our customers a whole collection of vintage machine embroidery patterns. Vintage Machine Embroidery Design is a bright component of this collection.
Vintage Machine Embroidery Design
Size: 61.7×66.4 mm (2.43×2.61 “), Stitches: 3913
Formats: .dst, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, dat, jef, vp3, .sew, xxx, jef
It simply amaze with its refinement and splendor. We propose to use this unique design for creating a children’s textile collection, in combination with other vintage machine embroidery patterns, it will create luxurious items.
So, a few ideas for our favorite customers.
The first idea. A great solution is to embroider this design in pink on the sides for the bed of the little princess. In combination with a gently pink canopy, they will look very cool. To do this, select the right fabric. Most often, these boards are made of satin, coarse calico with the addition of any lace and beads.
In this case, if embroidery on calico or cotton is simple and understandable, then embroidering on satin should take into account several features, namely:
~ It is better for embroidery, and, however, for the boards themselves too, to take a more dense satin. This will greatly simplify the process.
~ For this type of fabric, it is better to do a trial version of the embroidery so as not to spoil the product. After all, there are situations when something goes wrong, as we expect.
~ Although there are no special rules for choosing a thread for sewing on satin, but it is recommended to choose viscose. It is also not advisable to embroider with a metallic thread on satin. Although if there is such a need, it is better to take Sulky Railway, as an excellent alternative to the metallic thread.
The second idea. Embroidered cute pink design on baby bedding in a crib. Moreover, you can also embroider this design in white and white on satin. This will add even more luxury and rich appearance. Embroidering Vintage Machine Embroidery Design on bedding, use a printed design pattern to position the embroidery on the fabric correctly. To do this, print as many copies of the template as necessary, and spread them over the fabric, transfer the centerlines marks and the direction of the axes. Pay attention that you can place embroidery both chaotically and in checkerboard order.
The third idea. Embroidery on a dowry for a newborn. Tiny hats and booties, onesies and sliders will look unusual and cute.
For example, to embroider this bright design on onesie, you need:
~ White onesie (but you can take any other color)
~ Cut-away stabilizer
~ Fabric Glue stick
~ Vintage Machine Embroidery Design
~ Air-erase pen
~ Cloud Cover stitch
Using a printed template and an air-erase pen position the embroidery on the onesie. Cut off the necessary piece of cut-away stabilizer and glue it with a fabric glue stick. Hoop the fabric together with the stabilizer; place it in the machine so that the needle is in the center of the embroidery. Embroider the design. After the end of the embroidery, unhoop the fabric and cut off the excess stabilizer. To process the wrong side of the product it is necessary with the help of Cloud Cover Stitch. This is an important accessory for children’s embroidery.
It not only helps to give the inside of the embroidery an ideal evenness, but also protects the stitches from breaking up. Especially it is noticeable on thin types of fabric.
What is useful for such an accessory in this case? The fact that it is able to protect the delicate child`s skin. Since not infrequently, even adults themselves notice the redness on the body from the stabilizer. On the other hand, it can prick. Cloud Cover Stitch is soft and thin. Therefore, it does not irritate the baby’s skin.
The fourth idea. Embroidery of an exquisite pattern on a white terry cloth coverlet in a stroller. To do this, take into account the following features of embroidering machine embroidery patterns on terry cloths:
1. Choose a fabric with a low pile, since stitches often are entangled in the hinge loops, and the embroidery loses an attractive appearance.
2. Also, do not choose a heavily dense fabric, because it will be difficult to hoop.
3. While embroidering on terry cloth, it is necessary to hoop it with the “sandwich” method. First, the medium-weight cut-away stabilizer, then the fabric, and the water-soluble stabilizer on top. The lower stabilizer helps prevent the fabric from puckering, and the upper prevents the missing of the embroidery in the loopy pile of the fabric.
4. Before embroidering, it is best to soak the fabric in the warrm water and rinse. Since it happens that during washing the fabric loses its bright color, and this can damage the attractive look of embroidery.
We have considered with you several ideas on the using of this vintage element. Moreover, we sincerely hope that our advice will help you in creating unusual and unique solutions.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 11.02.2017