Despite the name, Machine embroidery design Angry Tiger Face absolutely does not look scary. On the contrary, it is very cool. Such multi-color and rich embroidery has some humorous sense. Who will want to fall asleep on this pillow or to put on a jacket, a t-shirt or a sweatshirt with such an angry head? Of course, only the person with a sense of humour, good imagination and self confidence! Only this type of people will pay attention to this picture and estimate it correctly.
The machine embroidery design Angry Tiger Face has three sizes of this very expressive head. It can be used for children’s and adult clothes or attributes of an interior. Besides, there is a confirming inscription TIGER for a bigger intimidation and for those who will doubt the intentions of this tiger. It can be embroidered with the tigerish head, or separately, or you can skip it. The inscription is applied in the separate file. Therefore, it is possible to place it in any place on an object which you have chosen for this magnificent embroidery. The inscription’s beautiful large typeface looks very harmoniously with the one who it is about.
Machine embroidery design Angry Tiger Face
Formats: .pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, jef, xxx
Such “lovely tiger cub” can become an excellent gift for those who were born in a year of the tiger and possess its characteristics. It can become a hint to the one who needs to bridle his character. Or, on the contrary, to remind the person about his congenital nature. Anyway, this animal’s beauty and influence will be surely noted by people around.
And you? Have you already thought where to place this design? Isn’t it time to think of mass production and to receive an award for your taste, patience and diligence? Several examples of the beautiful original things, exposed on the pages of social networks will attract customers and admirers to you. For instance, this nice embroidery of the furious tiger on children’s and adult clothes will certainly attract interest. And you need only to buy any cheap and simple sweatshirts and make them real masterpieces with your hands.
Then you will add:
14 certain colors of threads for embroidery,
our files for machine design,
you imagination,
photo of your work’s result,
profile on social networks,
desire to turn your hobby into business,
excitement after getting an additional income.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 24.06.2017