On the eve of magic Christmas and New Year’s holidays special embroidery designs for machines become the most relevant patterns. We suggest to acquire one of them: White machine embroidery design Christmas tree. By means of this favourable offer it is possible to decorate the whole house with beautiful embroidery. Firstly, the design is presented in 4 sizes. So, this graceful, stylish pattern with beautiful curls can be located on many things of your house interior. Imagine how delightful will the panel of white fir-trees of different sizes will look!
Such art object will become an exclusive decoration of the festive house. Secondly, it an excellent design for Christmas gifts for dearest and nearest. You can gain the White machine embroidery design Christmas tree for business purposes. Things with such embroidered patterns will be in high demand during the season of winter holidays.
If you decide to create the embroidered fir-tree masterpiece, then, certainly, your art taste will prompt you new ideas. For example, do you remember that white color is traditionally called achromatic? But, do you know that white, as well as any other colour, has a large number of shades? The AntiqueWhite, FloralWhite, Honeydew, GhostWhite, Ivory, Linen, Snow, WhiteSmoke, – are only some of white shades.
White Machine Embroidery Design Christmas tree
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .sew, .exp, .dat, xxx. vp3
Can you imagine what will turn out if you use each of the listed and other white shades in creation of a panel? The impressive wall ornament will match those fluffy winter snowflakes and florid patterns on the windows. The guests and the dwellers of the house will watch such embroidered work with delight and admire it.
Naturally, such White machine embroidery design Christmas tree will help to create a festive atmosphere anywhere. It is pleasant to have a special table cloth and linen napkins in the house with Christmas embroidery. Bigger white fir-trees will decorate a table cloth on its perimeter. And smaller ones will be placed on each napkin’s corner.
Have you made a fancy dress for your kid yet? This design can give you a lot of ideas. Make a costume of a fir-tree, a snowflake or a Snow Queen, or any other winter characters with its help.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 30.11.2017