Many needlewomen are in constant search for new original ideas that will help decorate not only the wardrobe, but also make the family nest cozy, unusual and simply beautiful. In this case, the technique of patchwork will become as good as ever. It is believed that this is a young, still developing technique. However, its first elements were found even in the culture of the ancient Egyptians in 560 BC.
Apparently, this technique arose, through a deficit of tissue. And poor representatives of the population, thus, prolonged the life of things. The technique of patchwork sewn, or, as it also called quilting, is interesting and unusual. It allows you to connect not combinable and decorate the interior at the same time. Over time, the patchwork technique (patchwork sewing) became popular in embroidery.
Royal Present Embroidery presents a new Green with Red Patchwork Embroidery Collection. There are designs of the embroidery machine for patchwork, all of which are made in one color solution: green-and-red.
Two Floral Quilt Block Embroidery Patterns
These unique designs of machine embroidery for the quilt will allow you to create a unique and refined interior, sustained in one style. Imagine how gorgeous will look snow-white knitted textiles with green and red embroidery and exquisitely decorated furniture and walls in the same color.
With the help of this luxurious collection, you can create exclusive and unique machine embroidery projects. It is enough just to combine our designs with your imagination and creativity.
The collection is unique and interesting in that it can be used not only in combination with the technique of patchwork sewing, but also for creating single interesting embroideries.
Free Dog-Rose Fruit Machine Embroidery Pattern
Description of the collection
Now the collection consists of 15 bright and original designs, and will be replenished gradually. Mostly it is dominated by plant elements, which simply turn their heads about their splendor. Moreover, unusual flowers will undoubtedly give originality.
Despite the fact that the collection is called Green with Red Patchwork Embroidery Collection, you can use them as single items for decoration of tablecloths, napkins, kitchen accessories. In addition, you can combine different designs and connect them into borders, decorating with it bed linens, pillows and bedspreads.
The idea of using the novelties from Royal Present
As always, we offer several interesting ideas for these magnificent embroidery designs for sale that will turn your imagination about machine embroidery.
The first idea. Embroidery of one of the floral designs on snow-white or cream-colored bedspread. You can make such a cover using two techniques: the technique of patchwork sewing or simply making embroidery on top of quilted fabric.
To implement the first idea, you need to cut out the tissue squares of the desired size. And do the same with the stabilizer. For convenience, you can use a special stabilizer for quilting. Its advantage is that the cloth is already delineated into small squares, or triangles. Therefore, you will not need to measure the size each time.
Floral Quilt Block Embroidery Pattern
Then, using a glue of a temporary fixation, attach a stabilizer to each piece. In addition, on each piece you should embroider one of the embroidery designs for sale. If you sew a bedcover in the technique of patchwork sewing, you can take a fabric of two colors. Apply the embroidery on the fabric of the first color, and use the second for the alternation. You can make them either empty or also with embroidery. After embroidering all the pieces, you need to sew them together into one complete product. The edges of the fabric can be processed using bias tape or narrow lace.
The second variant of embroidery is to embroider a bedcover on a very popular quilted fabric. To do this, take a ready-made bedcover. Then make as many copies of the printed template as necessary. Place the printouts on the fabric, and transfer the embroidery centers and the axis direction lines. Then, from the wrong side, glue the cut-away stabilizer with the fabric glue stick, in the places where the embroidery will be. Embroider the design. Then cut off the excess stabilizer. Voilà, a luxurious quilted bedcover with incredible embroidery is ready.
The second idea. Now we will tell you how to create a whole border with the help of these embroidery designs for sale on a tablecloth. This tablecloth in combination with napkins will transform your dining room interior.
So, to make this tablecloth, follow these steps:
1 – Choose a design from our Green with Red Patchwork Embroidery Collection.
2 – Open the received archive after payment, and find in it a file with a printed variant of design. Print this file. As you can see, it contains a design in full size along with the marked lines of the center and the direction of the axes.
3 – Measure the length of the edge of the tablecloth. Considering the size of your design, count how many templates fit along the edge, and make the required number of copies.
4 – Lay out the patterns along the edge of the tablecloth, keeping the same distance between them. Transfer the marked lines from each template using an air-erase pen.
5 – Using a temporary fixation glue, glue the cut-away stabilizer for each embroidered square. Then start embroidering from left to right. To do this, first hoop the square with the stabilizer. Place the embroidery frame in the machine so that the needle is in the marked center of the embroidery.
Flowers Square Quilt Block Embroidery Design
Note: when you will hoop the second square, it may happen that the first one, already embroidered, will fall into the hooping area. Nevertheless, do not worry; this does not damage the embroidery.
6 – In the same way, embroider other squares. Ready-made embroidery will resemble a curb.
7 – Remove the excess cut-away stabilizer.
Following these instructions, you can easily embroider a whole border for your tablecloth using these embroidery designs for sale.
The third idea. In conclusion, we want to tell you how easy it is to embroider one of these unique machine embroidery projects on a napkin. If you combine this idea with embroidery on a tablecloth, you can create a whole table set.
So, for this you will need:
~ White napkins
~ Cut-away stabilizer
~ A fabric glue stick
~ One of the embroidery designs for sale from Green with Red Patchwork Embroidery Collection
~ Air-erase pen
To position the design on a napkin properly, use a printed template that you can found in the archive to the design you have chosen. It is a design in full size, with marked embroidery centers and lines of the axes direction.
Print out the template and attach it to the napkin. Transfer the lines to the fabric. You can embroider a block square, or you can use the editing function, which is in the embroidery machine to expand the design, getting the shape of a rhomb. Moreover, in the same way, unfold the paper template, and then transfer the marks. Creating machine embroidery projects depends on your imagination.
After you have marked the centerline and the axis direction line, set the template aside. Take the glue of a temporary fixation and spray it onto the stabilizer. Wait a few seconds and glue the fabric on top. Place the napkin along with the stabilizer, and load the embroidery frame into the machine. Check that the needle is in the center of the embroidery point you marked. Embroider the design. After the machine has finished embroidering, unhoop the fabric and remove the excess stabilizer.
Embroidered napkin is ready! Create unique dining sets machine embroidery projects for yourself and your friends with the help of our designs.
As you can see, Green with Red Patchwork Embroidery Collection is not only interesting, but also multifunctional. With its using, you can transform your interior beyond recognition.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 29.04.2018