“Janome embroidery machine is the sales leader among embroidery machines available on the market. All models are of high quality, with additional functions for embroidery and are able to work even in cold and hot weather. “
This is what the official distributor of Japanese embroidery machines approves. But do Janome embroidery machines really have such characteristics, and are they so popular? Can they compare with the high quality of embroidery and ease of operation with the Pfaff models, or are they popular just like loved the Brother model? Let`s try to understand it.
We launch in our blog a series of reviews of the most famous and popular brands of embroidery machines. And, as you could already guess, popular Janome Models were the first on the line. This is because they have the most conflicting testimonials of embroiderers. So, some claim that after buying a new model from Janome, they even sold their Brother, while others claim that these machines are characterized by poor options and cannot read even the formats that are specified in the manual.
In addition, in this review, we will try to highlight other disadvantages of machines, as well as their dignity, and eventually dispel or confirm the myth of their unfitness. So, let’s begin.
Janome embroidery machines – review of available models
If you visit the official website of Japanese manufacturer Janome, and go to the section Embroidery machines, you can see that the company offers two models of embroidery machines, as well as several models of sewing and embroidery machines, which naturally differ in price and their technical characteristics.
These machines read files in JEF format and embroidery is provided also in this format.
The first model of popular Janome Models is Janome Memory Craft 350E.
As the manufacturer indicates, this model has a wide screen, a large embroidery size, and also has 100 new built-in designs. In addition, it refers more than 20 advantages of this model. It seems that everything is tempting. We will not rewrite all the characteristics. Since you can easily familiarize yourself with them by visiting the official website. For us, the main thing to understand is whether it is true, and if this embroidery machine is really convenient and multifunctional, as stated in the instructions.
Janome Memory Craft 350E is a budget version of the embroidery machine that appeared after the Janome Memory Craft 200E when it was removed from production. Janome Memory Craft 350E is naturally inferior to its improved followers, but it is considered a classic of this manufacturer.
The advantages of this model include:
~ Increased area of the sewing plane
~ Embroidery editing function
~ Automatic thread cutter
~ Built-in thread monitor
~ Compactness
~ Additional grand hoop (size 230×200 mm)
~ Presence of a narrow tubular platform in the machine
At the same time, this seemingly flawless machine has a number of disadvantages. Perhaps the most important of these is the fact that there is no software for the machine. And it reads only the JEF embroidery format. It must be purchased separately. To this model, the manufacturer proposes to install its latest version of the software for saving embroidery designs in JEF format Janome Digitizer MBX v 4.5. And it’s somehow strange, you agree, to buy a machine without software. In turn, embroidery in the jef format is not the best option. The machine often does not see the files in JEF format or cannot open them.
The question arises, what if the machine does not see the native format? First, do not buy a new car, or run to the nearest tech-service. Pay attention to the following points which can achieve saving files for Janome embroidery machines successfully.
1 – Copy the design on a flash card. Before writing jef designs to a memory card, format it. To do this, turn on the embroidery machine and insert the memory card into the USB connector on the right side of the machine. Before formatting, carefully read this section in the instructions for the embroidery machine. If everything goes right, you will see two folders created by the system, one of which you can save the files in the JEF format.
2 – Select the right software for saving embroidery designs in JEF format to convert the files. This format is very cranky and not all free, but, incidentally, sometimes paid, converters can correctly convert files into this format. According to statistics, the most suitable converters for this model of the embroidery machine is the Digitizer JR converter from the same company Janome, and all known free Embird converter.
3 – We also advise not to overload the system of the machine and insert a flash card on which there is a huge number of designs (it is better to load no more than 5). Otherwise, the system may just hang. If this happens, the system hangs, and the machine “does not show signs of life” for a long time, there is only one way out, risk and disconnect it from the power, and then remove the card. If you are lucky, the machine will start and will work again as before.
4 – It is not recommended to use the Wilcom software for saving embroidery designs in JEF format of this model. Since often the machine can not open the design made with this converter, referring to the way out of the embroidery area. Why is this happening? And the reason is that when you open such a file, the embroidery center marked in Wilcom moves to the upper left corner. Accordingly, the system recognizes the embroidery as coming out of the hoop dimensions. This may be due to the fact that Wilcom does not substitute the hoop for this format, as it does, for example, when saving in PES format.
In addition, this model of the embroidery machine has a small field for embroidery – 140×200 mm.
The second model from Janome is Janome Memory Craft 500E.
As the manufacturer claims, this is a completely new model of an embroidery machine that will cope with any task.
Indeed, comparing Janome Memory Craft 500E and Janome Memory Craft 350E, it can be argued that the first is a more professional model, which is naturally more expensive. But, what if we compare it with the models of other manufacturers? Is she really so good at work? And the most important question arises, does this machine have problems with the JEF format.
In order to understand this, let us consider the main advantages and disadvantages of this model.
Among the advantages of the Janome Memory Craft 500E embroidery machine are:
~ Increased large working surface (by the way the largest of all Popular Janome Models)
~ Direct connection to a personal computer, which the model 350E did not have.
~ Full-color touch-screen LCD, as well as advanced editing capabilities.
~ In addition to the extended working surface, manufacturers offer an extended field for embroidery – 200 x 280 mm
~ Automatic threader.
~ Finally, manufacturers have included the Embroidery Editor software as standard.
The drawbacks of Janome Memory Craft 500E include:
~ After a while after using, as many of our needlewomen say, the machine simply becomes predictable: the bobbin thread on top climbs, then it breaks off during embroidery.
~ Not a convenient mechanism of the outer rim of the hoop, or rather not reasonably designed.
~ After a while, there are problems with the automatic winding of the thread.
If we raise the question of whether there are problems with the JEF format for this model, then we can note that there are single cases. In general, with reading the native JEF format, Janome Memory Craft 500E has no problems. And this significantly distinguishes it from the previous model. In general, this model is not bad, but is more created for those needlewomen for whom embroidery is a hobby. To the professional equipment for embroidery this machine does not hold much in many respects.
Popular Janome Models sewing and embroidery machines – review
Now consider the popular sewing and embroidery machines from this manufacturer.
The first is sewing and embroidery machine Janome Skyline S9.
We can say that this is a new generation model. It was developed in 2016/2017. According to the manufacturer, this machine is ideal for daily home using, and for larger purposes.
We will not consider the main features for a long time, as it can be done on the manufacturer’s website or distributors, but it’s better to go directly to the advantages and disadvantages of the model. The advantages of Janome Skyline S9 include:
~ Convenience of development: for the machine to turn into embroidery it is enough to attach a special embroidery block. This is really convenient, so it cannot be used for sewing, which means it will last longer.
~ The area of embroidery is 17×20 mm.
~ This is the first machine in this series that can make embroidery in the hoop (the popular now direction of embroidery In the Hoop).
~ The biggest plus is that saving files for Janome embroidery machines may be provided not only in JEF format, but also jef +, jfx and dst. In connection with this innovation the issue of problems with the JEF format disappears by itself. And embroidery will not bring any special problems.
~ A set of three hoops for the machine
~ Wireless control, which means you can download designs directly through Wi-Fi.
~ Improved work area lighting. If the previous Janome Memory Craft 500E model was consisted of five segments, then the Janome Skyline S9 has a six-segment model blightening. This will allow you to work without problems even at night.
~ Precision needle positioning – 91 position
Unfortunately, since the machine is just on the market, we cannot talk about any serious disadvantages. Since according to many needlewomen, they are observed after a year or even more daily work.
JANOME Memory Craft 9900
No less popular and widely used model of sewing and embroidery machine from the manufacturer Janome is the sewing and embroidery machine JANOME Memory Craft 9900. Its main advantages include:
~ The embroidery module is included in the kit, and has built-in linear guides that ensure smoothness and accuracy of movement.
~ Replaceable needle plate for working with thin fabrics.
~ Convenience and ease of operations.
The disadvantages of this embroidery machine include:
~ Since this is a model of the old design, it goes without the software for saving embroidery designs in JEF format or other.
~ The machine does not have a built-in Wi-Fi function; it does not connect directly to a personal computer.
In general, we can say that this is a bit old-fashioned embroidery machine, if you compare it with more modern models.
Janome Horizon Memory Craft 12000
From this series, you can also note the Janome Horizon Memory Craft 12000 sewing and embroidery machine. Despite the fact that this model has been produced for a long time, it does not lose its popularity and is considered one of the most popular sewing and embroidering machines from Janome.
Advantages of this embroidery machine:
~ High speed of embroidery, which does not affect the quality and accuracy of stitches.
~ New GR-hoops that offer an increased embroidery area, namely 230×300 mm.
~ Direct connection to PC.
~ Good Stitch Composer software, which allows you to edit the built-in designs and create your own.
~ Safety interlocks
~ Extended working surface
~ 4 types of hoop in the set
~ Magnetic clips for hoop in set
~ Linear motion system, which makes stitches accurate and smooth
~ Together with ten LEDs, you can install an additional one by pushing the Highlight and placing it in the right place, most often directly under the needle.
~ Lack of ability to download designs using Wi-Fi
~ High, not available to everyone, price.
And the latest model, which we will now consider will be Janome Horizon Memory Craft 15000.
This is the latest development among Janome sewing and embroidery machines. It is perfect for both home using and for expanding your business. The machine is based on the Janome Horizon Memory Craft 12000, but has more modern features.
The advantages of this machine include:
~ You can create on the machine even with the help of Apple iPad, which was previously simply impossible for other models. All you need is to download it from the App store: AcuMonitor and AcuEdit. The first program allows you to watch through your iPad for the process of embroidery, the second is to create your own designs lying on the sofa.
~ 5 hoops for the machine
~ Possibility of converting ordinary sewing stitches into embroidery stitches.
~ The machine itself counts how many repeating patterns are needed to embroider a border.
~ The machine is simply created for the technique of patchwork sewing.
Naturally, this machine has many advantages, and is considered the best of the best from the manufacturer Janome. But since such embroidery machines are a luxury class, they are characterized by a high price. And not every needlewoman can afford this.
In addition, if you are just starting to practice machine embroidery, we recommend that you purchase a more budget model. After all, it is not clear whether you will like machine embroidery, whether you will engage in it, or the machine will be so easy to lay and dust. But what kind of manufacturer do you choose, it depends on you. We do not urge you to buy a machine from Janome, but we tell you about popular Janome Models, their shortcomings and advantages. Similarly, we will describe popular models from other manufacturers. Follow our blog area.
And finally, we will tell you a few secrets about using popular Janome Models:
1 – Downloading designs to the machine through a flash card, try not to overload it with a large number of designs, otherwise it may hang. Especially it is noticeable in budgetary variants of embroidery machines.
2 – If you are seeing problems with the JEF format – follow the instructions that we listed above. Or if the machine reads another format, for example, dst use it better. Sometimes such problem with this format have Elna embroidery machine. However we will speak about them a bit later.
3 – If the machine does not read JEF files, try using other software for saving embroidery designs in JEF format.
Here’s a list of Janome hoops
1. **Janome #2 for 5000, 5700, 9000** – 85 x 70 cm (33.46" x 27.56")
2. **Janome #5** – 125 x 140 cm (49.21" x 55.12")
3. **Janome MC10000, M3 Hoop** – 50 x 50 cm (19.69" x 19.69")
4. **Janome MC10000** – 110 x 110 cm (43.31" x 43.31")
5. **Janome MC200, MC12000 SQ14b Hoop** – 140 x 140 cm (55.12" x 55.12")
6. **Janome MC10000** – 140 x 200 cm (55.12" x 78.74")
7. **Janome MC5000 RE20b Hoop** – 140 x 200 cm (55.12" x 78.74")
8. **Janome MC10000, Kenmore 19010, M2 Hoop** – 126 x 110 cm (49.61" x 43.31")
9. **Janome MC11000 Square Hoop** – 200 x 200 cm (78.74" x 78.74")
10. **Janome MC500e SQ20b Hoop** – 200 x 200 cm (78.74" x 78.74")
11. **Janome MC11000 Macro Hoop (overlap)** – 200 x 280 cm (78.74" x 110.24")
12. **Janome MC500e RE28b Hoop** – 200 x 280 cm (78.74" x 110.24")
13. **Janome M1 Hoop** – 240 x 200 cm (94.49" x 78.74")
14. **Janome MC12000 FA10 Hoop** – 100 x 40 cm (39.37" x 15.75")
15. **Janome MC500e RE10b Hoop** – 100 x 40 cm (39.37" x 15.75")
16. **Janome MC500e SQ23 Hoop** – 230 x 230 cm (90.55" x 90.55")
17. **Janome MC12000 GR Hoop** – 230 x 300 cm (90.55" x 118.11")
18. **Janome MC15000 Essential AE 18 Hoop** – 140 x 180 cm (55.12" x 70.87")
19. **Janome AQ** – 120 x 180 cm (47.24" x 70.87")
20. **Janome ASQ** – 180 x 180 cm (70.87" x 70.87")
21. **Janome RE20a** – 170 x 200 cm (66.93" x 78.74")
22. **Janome T6** – 78 x 168 cm (30.71" x 66.14")
23. **Janome H1** – 110 x 90 cm (43.31" x 35.43")
24. **Janome ASQ22** – 220 x 220 cm (86.61" x 86.61")
25. **Janome S1** – 37 x 59 mm (1.46" x 2.32")
26. **Janome S2** – 28 x 50 mm (1.10" x 1.97")
27. **Janome J1** – 30 mm (1.18")
28. **Janome J2** – 24 x 54 mm (0.94" x 2.13")
29. **Janome J3** – 43 x 28 mm (1.69" x 1.10")
30. **Janome J4** – 42 x 67 mm (1.65" x 2.64")
31. **Janome J5** – 46 x 62 mm (1.81" x 2.44")
32. **Janome J6** – 66 x 66 mm (2.60" x 2.60")
33. **Janome J7** – 110 x 95 mm (4.33" x 3.74")
34. **Janome J8** – 120 x 121 mm (4.72" x 4.76")
35. **Janome GigaHoop (overlap)** – 230 x 200 mm (9.06" x 7.87")
36. **Janome GigaHoop2 (repositionable)** – 240 x 200 mm (9.45" x 7.87")
We sincerely hope that the article “Janome Embroidery Machines – Review” will be valuable and useful to you! Follow the updates to learn more about other modern manufacturers and their most popular embroidery or sewing and embroidery machines.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 01.05.2018