Machine Embroidery Design Flower cross with bow

The Machine Embroidery Design Flower cross with bow is created to make this special event of christening perfectly beautiful. Tender pearly pink and gold of the pattern make the white outfit beam. The ceremony will make the most glorious impressions on the hearts of those present and in the family albums.

When it comes to christening gowns every master realizes that his artwork may become a family heirloom for several next generations to wear. And at this point, heirloom embroidery designs for christening gowns become indispensable to inspire the creation of entirely unique outfits. The history of christening gowns for babies goes back to the seventeenth century and the form of a very long dress with short bodice and sleeves is still popular. Ireland, for example, is known for a beautiful tradition: mothers use fabric or lace from their bridal attire to make their firstborn babies’ christening gowns.

Many families find it even better if the child wears the same gown one of the parents wore for the ceremony. Such things tie the family generations in a delicate emotional way. Though in that case, a family heirloom, if not too fragile, might need embellishing with Machine Embroidery Design Flower cross with bow. Bible and blanket with the decoration of the kind make the outfit accomplished.

Machine Embroidery Design Flower cross with bow


Size: 99.4×153.2 mm (3.91×6.03 “), Stitches: 8501
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, art

This long white christening gown meant to symbolize Garments of Light worn by first humans in the garden of Eden. That’s why craftswomen chose lily-white shining satin fabrics for their masterpieces. Nowadays the outfit symbolizes purity, innocence, forgiveness. All shades of white are used in the projects but satin is still a favourable fabric choice. The term “Satin” refers to the weaving pattern which results in a silky shiny textile with a glossy surface and a dull back. If the producer uses silk, nylon or polyester fibres, then the resulting fabric is a Satin. If cotton is used for the satin weave — the fabric is Sateen. It’s necessary to check the fabric content and care instructions to choose right threads and stabilizer for the project.

Five Tips to make stitching The Machine Embroidery Design Flower cross with bow on satin — a positive and satisfying experience, resulting in creating a family heirloom to be kept for children of the grandchildren. What you should know when embroidering on satin:

1. Press the fabric first. It wrinkles easily and is shiny, so every wrinkle will show. Therefore, the fabric must be very smooth before hooping. Be sure the iron is not too hot.

2. The needle has to be new and use the smallest gauge possible in relation to the density of the design. The ballpoint needle pushes aside the fibre it encounters in penetration and thereby avoids making a damaging hole in the fabric. It is also recommended using the thinnest possible needle for the particular fabric. The 75/11 light ballpoint needle will work well for this heirloom embroidery design for christening gowns for most projects.

3. Threads. Rayon threads are the most popular as they reflect the light greatly. Rayon is the preferred thread type as it performs very well. It’s durable and available in many sizes. Silk threads are the number one choice when embroidering on satin made of silk fibre. However, it is quite costly and not so readily available as some others, but you’ll get a sheen that is unrivaled by any other thread!

4. Hooping and stabilizing. Hooping the fabric is best for projects where a piece of satin is embroidered and after that cut to sew. The hoop has to hold the fabric with the stabilizer tightly and wrinkle-free. Tear-away medium stabilizer and temporally adhesive spray do well for most satin projects. Satin can sometimes spot from a temporally adhesive spray, especially if you spray too closely. Spray the stabilizer, not the cloth. Do not tug once you have hooped the fabric with the stabilizer. The right decision will be to redo, otherwise, the risk to result in pucked design is too high.
Not hooping. If you aim is to avoid hooping the fabric — hoop the stabilizer and tug it tight. Then secure the fabric to stabilizer using machine baste. When machine basting on satin fabrics, the best is to use a very small gauge 60/8 needle and a very fine 60 wt thread.

5. Stitch a sample of The Machine Embroidery Design Flower cross with bow. A sample will give you certainty in thread fineness and color choice and adjust the thread tension and embroidery speed if necessary.

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Author: Ludmila Konovalova

My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.

Date: 03.05.2018