When you first begin to study machine embroidery, you learn the basics. Most often, the abundance of information seems to you a difficult task and an impossible mission. Gradually, you know, read, try, experiment, and can embroider even a few pre-programmed embroidery designs.

As time passes, your skills and abilities improve, and you already do not have enough of what you know. You want to go beyond the beginner's level and explore new techniques, styles of embroidery, and the designs themselves. Naturally, you read the machine embroidery forums to find out something new for yourself, ask the opinion of professionals there, and communicate with the same newcomers to share their successes. In addition, it seems that machine embroidery learning goes on smoothly. This happens until we face the need to use special programs for machine embroidery – converters.
You think that everything is simple. What can be so complicated as downloading, installing, and converting a program? You only need to download it, and everything will be simple. It seems this is an ordinary simple program, like those, that we download to process photos. Such an opinion is simple and understandable. However, it is dispelled in the first seconds of using such software. A bunch of strange icons, symbols, inscriptions, and tools are flashed before your eyes. Yet, when you think about what kind of converter to install, your interest in machine embroidery slowly begins to fade.

Many, at this stage, abandon the occupation of machine embroidery and only persist in reaching the end. Everything is much simpler, and free machine embroidery software is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.


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Choosing the Right Converter: Deciding Between Paid and Free Options

To choose a suitable converter, you must determine the list based on the type you want to select. It may be paid or free.

For some reason, many embroiderers believe that paid converters are much better, understandable, and valuable. This opinion is just as wrong, for example, as the planet Earth is on three elephants and a turtle.

According to statistics, if you consider feedback on forums and websites on machine embroidery, there are worthy analogs to expensive paid programs among free converters. There are not so many, but they are. If you want, you can download and work with them.

One of these free machine embroidery software is a program for machine embroidery My editor from Wings XP.

It allows you to easily convert files from one embroidery format to another, edit, change and create patterns. Why is this necessary?

First, not all embroidery machines read the same format. As you know, there are several of it, including pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, .jef, art. etc.

Secondly, editing designs is an important and necessary process.

Undoubtedly, everyone now who reads this article and is still not completely familiar with the type of converters for machine embroidery has a huge number of questions: “Where can I download this program? How can I use it? What are the advantages and disadvantages? And how to install it under my operating system?” Today we will answer on all these questions. Well. Let us begin.

The first question arises: “What are functions of this program?”

The manufacturer declares such characteristics and features My editor from Wings XP as:

~ Quickly opening files with embroidery patterns and convert them to the format required for your embroidery machine;
~ Full advanced editor for stitches:

– Moving one or f several stitches;

– Replacement of stitches;

– Removing stitches;

~ 3D-view embroidery design with twisted threads for visualization of the final result;

~ Ability to view the finished result of embroidery on different types of fabric;

~ Simulation of the embroidery process with the additional ability to simulate hoop movements;

~ Change the size of the embroidery and rotate the individual elements;

~ Applying special functions to embroidery objects;

~ Printed template creating;

~ Tips and useful information while working with the program;

~ Exporting the embroidery design format in an image file (.jpg, .png, .tiff or .bmp);

~ Merging constructions using copy and paste functions;

~ Tool for creating embroidery design with advanced search;

~ View the sequence of embroidery designs;

~ Ability to select objects by color and special function;

~ Fully customizable workspace according to your preferences. You can move the toolbars and attachable drives by clicking and dragging them. Also at the end of each toolbar there are some options that you can view;

~ Adjust the color and thickness of all contours you have inserted;

~ View projects using the Auto Ran functionality of the middle mouse click. While you are working in the field of design, you can use the middle click (click the roller in) and switch to mouse pan mode. Left click to end the panning;

~ Using of vertical, horizontal, diagonal and circular lines;

~ Editing some functions of the toolbar, such as Group, Ungroup, Cut, Copy and Paste;

~ A complex multi-color palette of shades of threads;

~ Ability to create your own color palettes;

~ Using the “Image Map” toolbar to change the viewing option and go to different design areas;

~ Changing the start and end points of a project;

~ Ability to remove stitches from the structure by specifying the length range (automatically removing stitches with a zero length);

~ A complete PDF file guide and online guide available through the Help> Contents dialog in the main menu.


The second, no less important question is “Where can I download this program?”.

The answer is unambiguous – on the official website. There, and only there. We strongly recommend to you downloading the program only from the official website of the manufacturer. Therefore, you get the guarantees that, along with My Editor, you do not install any spyware, unnecessary browsers or files on your computer, and you will be sure that your computer will not become infected with viruses.

If for some reason, you decide to download the program from other sites, remember that it is free, and no additional payments or deposits, as well as permissions to your personal data, CAN NOT be.

The third question: “How to install FREE Embroidery Software – My Editor?”

Before downloading and installing, make sure that your computer is compatible with free software for machine embroidery My editor. To do this, read the basic requirements for the correct operation of this program.

The minimum requirements include:

~ Processor: 1.5 GHz Intel or AMD 32-bit (x86) processor

~ RAM: 1 GB of RAM (for Windows XP O / S) or 2 GB of RAM (for Windows Vista® and Windows® 7), 3 GB of RAM (for 64-bit versions of Windows® 7)

~ Hard disk: 300 MB of free space

~ CD-ROM: for installation

~ Graphics Card: 3D DirectX 10 accelerator with at least 512 MB of memory, 32-bit color.

~ Monitor resolution: 1024×768 32

~ / S: Windows XP® or Windows Vista®, Windows® 7 with the latest service packs.

~ Ports: Available USB port for USB security key.

These are the minimum requirements for installing this program. But that it worked in the correct mode and did not “hang” better to follow the requirements listed below:

~ Processor: Intel or AMD (x86) processor with a frequency of 2+ GHz

~ RAM: 3 GB of RAM (for Windows Vista and Windows® 7), 4 GB of RAM (for 64-bit Windows Vista ™ and 64-bit Windows® 7 )

~ Hard disk: 300 MB of free space

~ DVD / CD-ROM: for installation

~ Graphics card: 3D PCI Express accelerator with compatible DirectX 9.0c drivers and at least 512 MB of RAM

~ Monitor resolution: 1280×1024 screen resolution

~ S: Windows XP (with Service Pack 3 or later) or Vista or 7

~ Ports: 1 free USB port

~ Printer: Windows-compatible Laser-inkjet printer.

Installation instructions

If you are convinced that your PC meets at least a minimum set of requirements, you can proceed to download. Please note that on the official website registration is a prerequisite for getting this program for machine embroidery.

After you register on the site, you will receive an email with the activation code of your account at the specified e-mail address when registering. That is why, provide the site with correct e-mail data so that you can finally follow the link and activate the profile.

Imagine that you did this and clicked on the link with the download. In the pop-up window, select the location where the system will save the boot archive and click the “Save” or “OK” button. After doing this, you will see that the file has started downloading. Wait for it to finish and the system message “Download Complete”.

Now you can safely open the boot file. It is an archive named “my_editor.zip”. Your task is to find and extract the “setup.exe” file from it. This is the installer of the program, the installation application.

Click on it two times with the mouse to open it. Agree to the rules of using the program, having previously familiarized with them, and click on the installation.

Wait for the application to finish installation. Now you can run the application and learn the basics, and later the secrets of its using.

We will tell you how to use FREE Embroidery Software – My Editor correctly. Truth is just the basics, the main points. In addition, you can continue to study the program yourself using tutors and videos on YouTube. Nevertheless, this review will be of much help to you.

In addition, at the end of the article we will reveal a couple of interesting secrets. So stay with us, it will be very interesting.

How to open a design file in My editor

Agree that the first task you face when working with this converter is the opening of the design. So, to open a file with a pattern in this program, follow these steps:

1 – Open the My editor program.

2 – Find the word “File” on the toolbar and click on it, and then click on the “Open” function. Find on your computer the place where you have the design that you want to open. For convenience, there is a function of pre-viewing the design in the bottom of the window. After selecting the desired file, click on “Open”. Than you will see this pattern in the program My editor.

The picture shows that on the main field there is a design in ready form, and on its right side – a sequence of the embroidering this design.

How to open a design file in My editor

Changing the color of the design using My editor from Wings XP

Maybe you noticed that we often advise you to change the color palette to create a variety of projects using a single pattern. Therefore, you can change the color of the embroidery using this Free machine embroidery software. To do this, use our step-by-step instruction.

1 – First, you need to open the Color manager dialog box. It is located on the second panel, from the right side, and is a multi-colored circle.

My editor

2 – After pressing, the color palette opens. On the left, you can see those colors that are in the program, and on the right – that are used in the design.

After pressing, the color palette opens. On the left, you can see those colors that are in the program, and on the right - that are used in the design.

3 – If you want to replace the color in the diagram, you need to drag the color from the palette to the desired cell (2, 3 or 7). It will automatically replace the color of the element that was previously. For example:

You want to change the color of the crown into another, for example, Amber. Find the desired shade in the palette on the left side. Click on it. Now your task is to drag it into the cell, which you want to change.

You want to change the color

There are another way to change the color. At the right-side cell, choose the needed color, in this situation, crown shade. Then choose and click from the left-side pallet the color you want to apply to the crown and click “Set Color». The photo shows that the crown in the design have changed color from sandy-yellow to Amber. If you want to save the changes, click OK, and if no click Cancel.

In the same way, you can change other colors and shades. In addition, if you do not find the right color in the palette, you can create and add to your collection your own color.

There are three methods for creating color in My Editor. They include:

– Red-green-blue method. The combination of these colors will create you any necessary shade. Red – indicates the amount of using of red, blue and green – the amount of blue and green, respectively.

You can see the effect of changing the values ​​of the hues in the color matrix. If you change any R-G-B value, the values ​​for the H-L-S method described below will be automatically changed to match. The easiest way to experiment with different colors is to click and hold the left mouse button and move the cursor around the color matrix to the left.

You need to do the following:

There are three methods for creating color in My Editor. They include:

Click on Color Manager to open a dialog box with a color palette. For example, in the left-side color palette, Black color is not suitable for you. Choose this color by clicking it with the left bottom on the mouse. Then find in the bottom of the window Edit color Tool. Choose it. The window with color matrix appears. There you can create needed color. You can do it in the different ways. They are:

The first method is to “drive” with the mouse until you see the color, which is suitable for you. Now you should name the new color. In the field “Name”, enter the new mane for your color instead of the standard Black and click OK

My Editor

After clicking OK, you can find the new color you created in the palette on the left.

As you can see, nothing is as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The second method is Hue-Luminance-Saturation.

To determine any color, you can use a combination of hue, saturation and luminance.

~ The hue indicates the color in the spectrum to create a new one. Hue is a numeric value, where 0 is red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, 180 is blue, 300 is purple, and 240 is blue.

~ Luminance indicates the amount of light or dark colors for a new color. Luminance is a numerical value, where 0 is white and 60 is black.

~ The last component is the saturation of the selected color.

If you change the H-L-S value, the values ​​for the R-G-B method will be changed automatically.

The third way to create a new color is a color map. It is a combination of the first two ways. That is, to create a new color you need to determine first the desired hue on the pie chart, and then more accurately model it using a triangle in the middle.

Then you need to name the color and press Ok. Moreover, the color you created will appear in the palette on the left, just like using the first two methods. The difference between these methods are that the third allows you to model the shade you need more accurately.

Changing color according to the thread manufacture

Changing color according to the thread manufacture

An additional and important function when working with a color palette is a color change according to the brand of the thread manufacturer. For example, in our designs, all shades of colors are indicated according to the Madeira thread palette, and you for example use the threads from Gunold. It takes a long time to select the appropriate color. My Editor can do this automatically. Cool, is not it? All you need is to open the work menu with a color palette and press Colors. Then, in the appeared window, find the desired manufacturer.

After that, click Convert All to change the color palette of the particular design to the thread colors from the manufacturer you want.

Note: If for some reason the color conversion proposed by the program does not suit you, you can create your own colors close to the original, using the Edit color function described above.

Copying and deleting items in My editor from Wings XP

An interesting feature of this program is the function of copying and deleting items. Indeed, in some situations it can be very useful.

For example, you have a design of an embroidery machine Crown with a bee. And you need only to embroider a bee. In this program, you can easily change the design the way you need. Now we will tell you how to do it.

Copying and deleting items in My editor from Wings XP

Therefore, to remove an element from the pattern using this free machine embroidery software, you will need to perform the following actions.

Select the element that you want to delete by clicking it once with the left mouse button.

Then click the right mouse button and find the “Delete” option. Delete the element you do not need. As you see, the element is deleted.

Delete the element you do not need

Using the Edit menu, you can also select and move items from one design to another. This is done according to the known sequence “Copy” – “Insert” – “Copy – Paste”, which we use almost every day. That is, copy the required element, or press Cut, if there is no need to leave it in this pattern, open the second design and press Paste.

In order to understand how these steps are performed, see the systematic photo-instruction, which we attach below.

In order to understand how these steps are performed

In order to understand how these steps are performed, see the systematic photo-instruction, which we attach below.

In order to understand how these steps are performed, see the systematic photo-instruction, which we attach below.

Lastly, we promised to reveal to you some secrets of using this converter.

Therefore, using FREE Embroidery Software – My Editor, you can find the end of the thread on the design, highlight it and remove it by stitches. This is done by using the Edit stitches tool (the second icon on the left vertical toolbar).

Select the desired area, and press the right mouse button ~ Delete. Moreover, the program removes the stitch or several stitches.

Select the desired area, and press the right mouse button ~ Delete. Moreover, the program removes the stitch or several stitches.

Select the desired area, and press the right mouse button ~ Delete. Moreover, the program removes the stitch or several stitches.

In addition, the program has a 3D function before viewing the design. Moreover, it is really a very useful feature. It not only allows you to see how the finished design will look, but it also allows you to save it in 3D .png format, that is, with a transparent background.

Consider the example.

For you, machine embroidery is not only a favorite activity, but also a business. You are engaged in selling embroidered clothes, for example, gowns.

With this program, you can save all the machine embroidery designs that you use in 3D format, then in Photoshop make them render on gowns and print. Therefore, you can get the original catalog of your products, and show it to your customer. Do you agree that this is very convenient?

Program for machine embroidery My Editor – summering

Analyzing this FREE Embroidery Software – My Editor, you can say that it is useful. A lot of abilities, convenient and simple interface, unique features – thanks to these advantages the program deserves a positive evaluation. It is not inferior to many paid converters.

The formats that this free machine embroidery software are numerous. It’s a rarity. The list of readable formats is huge. You have to scroll it with the mouse to see everything. Moreover, for saving is a considerable number of formats.

Naturally, this program will not be enough for professionals, but for those who are just starting out and learning how to create their own designs or edit purchased patterns; this program will become a fount of information and opportunities.

We hope that our article will be useful to you and will greatly help in studying such an interesting sphere of needlework as machine embroidery.

P.S. Not everything that is free is bad. In addition, this free machine embroidery software is a vivid example. The main thing is to be able to use these opportunities.

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Author: Ludmila Konovalova

My name is Ludmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.

Date: 27.05.2024