What a marvelous sight it is when the sun of the glorious springtime starts to melt the cold of the last winter memories. The golden warmth of the sun envelops everything around us, nature and the very essence of the being, with its efflorescent and profoundly enlivening delight, with each month of spring being gilded in its own, wonderful way. It starts with March, bejeweling it with luscious amber earrings of delicate mimosas. April and May, beautiful twin brothers, are crowned with floral wreathes of sunny daisies and yellow dandelions. It is during these wonderful months that another aurous marvel is happening: withheld by brittle filigree of shells, precious, chirpy little suns are being born, heralding to the world the holy miracle of life, celebrated by Easter.
Even though these lovely yellow birdies are famous mostly for their adorable charm, they are very symbolic to the veneration of our Lord’s sacrifice. As eggs represent the essence of Easter as a religious holiday, depicting metaphorically the miracle of resurrection, so a living little thing that comes from the cracked shell is the symbol of eternal life being revealed. That is why cute Easter chicks take such a big part in Easter holiday décor.
Thinking of a subtle way to teach your kids about true meaning of the holy celebration? Machine Embroidery Design Two Easter Chicks could become a lovely decorative addition to holiday interior of your home. The adorable sunny couple will help you explain your little ones about religious essence of Easter in a manner which they will be able to understand. The egg, the two Easter chicks and a delicate floral accent featuring beautiful forget-me-nots – every part of the composition has something to say. Rummaging together through all the delicious goodies of Easter basket, arranged on a decorative napkin embroidered with this design, you can casually make your children aware of what Easter is.
Machine embroidery design Two Easter Chicks
Tell them about Jesus and his sacrifice, his miraculous return to life and the hope he gave to us all. Compare the egg to the empty tomb and the two Easter chicks with the revival. Forget-me-nots have sacred meaning as well.
As a lovely accent on a napkin on your festive table or as an embellishment to a wrapping of an Easter gift to your godchild, Machine Embroidery Design Two Easter Chicks can be not only a sweet and cheerful decoration of the day, but also a lovely illustration of Easter as a true holy celebration.
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Machine Embroidery Design Easter chicks

Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 16.03.2017