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Royal Present Embroidery

TAG: machine embroidery designs

Tiny Heart Free Embroidery Design

These little hearts from heart machine embroidery designs collection can perfectly decorate any object. That is why such a pattern simply must be in your collection. After all, you can use it anywhere...

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Insects Set

We often choose clothes, which fits perfectly to the created image. Naturally, this takes a lot of time and effort, because we are trying to find something original and unique in its way. Our site of...

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Machine Embroidery Designs Green tea

How about a cup of tea? It’s almost impossible to refuse such an offer! This is a great excuse to get your mind off business and have a good time. A cup of fragrant tea may be calming or ener...

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Buttonholes Machine Embroidery Designs

Mainly all of us are streaming to the perfect beauty. Very often we try to decorate almost all things in our life and clothes are not an exception. We want to outline from gray faceless crowd...

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Forget-me-nots Free Embroidery Design

Embroidery is a popular and elegant way of beautifying premises. In the past, ancient people considered embroidered houseware as charms that protected them from evil spirits. Embroidered elements were...

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